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Приветственное сообщение

Each of us has the most native corner of the land, where he pronounced the first word, took the first step, felt hot and anxious feelings of first love, where is his parents’ house. This is a small Homeland, and each person treats it with endearment and awe. Baranovichi land became a native corner for 46, 000 residents of our beautiful Belarus. This land gave humanity poets Andrey Rymsha, Adam Mitskevich, the first Russian printer Ivan Fedorov, the founder of Belarusian drama school Vladislav Golubka, blacksmith and poet Pavlyuk Bagrim, pilot, twice recipient of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union Sergey Gritsevets. Here drew inspiration and gathered strength many famous figures of science, politics, art, among them there are national hero of Chile, teacher and scholar Ignatiy Domeyko, composer - Matey Radzivil, artist - Napoleon Orda.

During its long history Baranovichi land, as the whole of Belarus, endured many hardships of wars. Today trenches and shell holes of the last two world wars remind us of the war years. Atrocities of the fascists during the years of the Great Patriotic War draw tears not only from elderly people who have seen it with their own eyes, but from the young generation, too. Village Zastarine has the same fate as Khatyn. In two death camps on the territory of the district were killed more than 110,000 of people. We mustn’t forget about this, so every year appear new obelisks, the names of killed soldiers and civilians are restored.

Difficult years of the war ended, and the district began to revive from the ruins. The workers of the district had done everything in order the district reached the leading positions not only in the Republic, but in the former Soviet Union. Their labour achievements were noticed, 15 workers of agro-industrial complex were awarded with Star Medals of the Hero of Socialist Labour, 26 were awarded with the title of honored employees of Belarus in various sectors of the national economy.

The district carries on the labour traditions and every year the workers of Baranovichi district rise to a high stage of the republican festival "Dozhinki" as the winners of national competitions. Production of our agricultural and industrial enterprises are always in demand as on domestic market as abroad.

We are always looking for new meetings and very pleased to offer all the best to our guests. We cordially invite you to visit Baranovichi district.

the chairman of Baranovichi executive committee
Karpenko Sergei Viktorovich

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