Since the old times, this land has attracted people thanks to several factors: rich nature with many rivers, lakes and forests, fertile soil and a favorable geographical position, with trade routes from Europe to Russia and from the Baltic states to the southern countries. The oldest human settlements discovered in Baranovichi District date back to the Stone Age. They were located near Lake Koldychevskoye and on the right bank of the Shchara River between the villages of Dobry Bor and Kolbovichi.
Unfortunately, very few architectural structures have survived to this day. They could have told us a lot about the past, but even those things that have survived keep a lot of mysteries and stories.
Mindouh, Grand Duke of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
On the right bank of the small river Servech, 800m west of the town of Gorodishche, there is the archaeological monument Gorodishche of the Iron Age. It is also interesting because, according to one of the theories, it was home to Varuta, the capital of the Grand Duchy at a time of Grand Duke Mindouh, mentioned in the historical chronicle. Another interesting object is located on the bank of another river, the Myshanka, near the village of Staraya Mysh. It is the earthen ramparts surviving from the 17th century. Locals call them "the royal fortification", although in fact they have nothing to do with the royal family. This fortress is associated with the name of Jan Karol Chodkiewicz, the outstanding political and military figure of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, who owned these lands. However, the wooden fortress did not last long and was burned down by Russian troops in 1660 and never restored. However, the ditches and earthen ramparts are still impressive in their size.
The Battle of Stolovichi, 1771
S. Romanov
Historically, Baranovichi District, like the whole of Belarus, often found itself in the thick of military conflicts. Remnants of military events of different years are often found here. For example, in Stolovichi you can see a boulder with a memorial sign commemorating the battle between the troops of M. Oginski and A. Suvorov. Although the numerical advantage was on the side of Oginski, Suvorov, using the tactics of a night battle, won a complete victory. For this battle, Suvorov received the Order of Alexander Nevsky.
Not far from the village of Milovidy, there is a memorial chapel in honor of the events that took place here in 1863. 145 years ago, a battle took place between the regular Russian army and the rebel troops of K. Kalinovsky. This event would have remained ordinary if it had not been for the crushing victory of the rebels over the Russian troops superior in armament and training.
Memorial chapel at the site of the Battle of Milovidy
The First World War also left its mark on the Baranovichi land. During 1915-1917, the front line passed here dividing it into eastern and western parts. Therefore, when taking a stroll in a forest, say near the village of Arabovshchina, you can easily stumble upon an artillery caponier or a log emplacement.
Artillery caponier of the First World War
The battles were fierce during WWI. Military cemeteries both on the Russian side and their opponents remind of those terrible events. But even after more than 80 years, we are still discovering new unaccounted burials on our land. For example in 2004 the 52nd specialized search battalion discovered a mass grave from the First World War near the village of Skrobovo, where German troops used gas in the autumn of 1917.
Dedication of memorial in the village of Rusino, 9 May 2007
Even greater devastation and more cemeteries were left behind on the Baranovichi land by the Second World War. On its territory, the fascist occupiers organized two death camps: in the villages of Lesnaya and Koldychevo. The Nazis tortured and killed more than 110,000 prisoners of war and civilians in these death camps. The village of Zastarinye repeated the terrible fate of Khatyn on 2 May 1943. 382 people were burned and killed on that bloody day. Only 19 houses our of 115 houses survived in the village after the war.
The war scorched many villages of Baranovichi District.
In the village of Kolbovichi, 80 houses out of 85 were burned down, and 162 residents out of 312 were killed
In the village of Pochapovo, 64 houses out of 83 were destroyed, 41 residents out of 311 were killed.
The village of Adakhovshchina. Only 4 houses out of 76 survived. The sad list goes on.
Opening of the memorial to the victims of the Koldychevo death camp, 3 July 2007
As many as 99 monuments, memorials and plaques have been erected to commemorate fellow countrymen, who died in concentration camps and fell in the battles on the Baranovichi land. Every year new monuments are built, new memorials and plaques are unveiled. The memory of those terrible days will live in the hearts of people for many long years to come.
Unfortunately, the history of the district has been marked by tragic events in the peaceful time as well.
Monument to Vladimir Karvat in the village of Arabovshchina
On 23 May 1996, the evening silence in the villages of Arabovshchina and Gatishche was broken by a terrible explosion, which cut short the life of the pilot, Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Karvat, who steered the out-of-control jet away from these settlements. Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Karvat was posthumously awarded the Hero of Belarus title.
Monument to fellow countrymen who died on the war fronts opened in the village of Zhemchuzhny to mark the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders.
1939 – 1944
The reunification of Western and Eastern Belarus took place on 17 September 1939. Baranovichi residents welcomed the liberating Red Army.
Four days after the liberation of the district, the first issue of the Worker's Voice newspaper came out. It was the printed body of the provisional administration of the town of Baranovichi and Baranovichi District.
1939 – 1944
Decree by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR on the establishment of districts in Baranovichi Oblast of 15 January 1940 was published in the Chyrvonaya Zvyazda newspaper.
1939 – 1944
Transformation of villages in Baranovichi District (within present-day borders) began after the reunification of the western regions of Belarus with the BSSR in the autumn of 1939.
1939 - the first sovkhoz (state farm) Volno-Chernikhovo was set up.
1940-1941 – a number of kolkhozes (collective farms) were established:
Novaya Zhizn kolkhoz, Tratsevichi, Skrobovo rural council, Gorodishche District.
Krasny Partizan kolkhoz, Vysadovichi, Skrobovo rural council, Gorodishche District.
Molotov kolkhoz, Svirany, Lotvichi rural council, Novaya Mysh District.
1 Maya kolkhoz, Polonka, Polonka rural council, Novaya Mysh District.
Lenin kolkhoz, Zverovshchina, Lotvichi rural council, Novaya Mysh District.
Novy Put kolkhoz, Gorodishche District
Bolshevik kolkhoz, Podleseiki, Podleseiki rural council, Gorodishche District.
Lenin kolkhoz, Staiki, Medenevichi rural council, Gorodishche District.
17 Sentyabrya kolkhoz, Ivankovichi, Lyushnevo rural council, Novaya Mysh District.
Chapayev kolkhoz, Polonechka rural council, Gorodishche District.
During the Nazi occupation of Baranovichi District there was a death camp for prisoners of war in the village of Lesnaya and a concentration camp for civilians in the village of Koldychevo. More than 110,000 people were killed there.
Koldychevo concentration camp, 1944
The grave of the victims of the Koldychevo concentration camp, discovered by the Baranovichi city commission to assist the state extraordinary commission to investigate the Nazis atrocities, 1944
Partisans of the Baranovichi forces in their home village after its liberation, 1944
Soviet soldiers pass through the streets of the liberated Baranovichi, 8 July 1944
Haying in Kalinin kolkhoz
A poultry yard in 1 Maya kolkhoz, Baranovichi District, 1959
Testing of complex threshing machines
A brigadier of the machine and tractor station brigade is hosting a political information meeting
Sowing in Stalin kolkhoz, 1953
Best milkmaids N.P. Golsheva and P.A. Chernomaz are delivering milk to milk accountant N. Dolmat. Ponomorenko kolkhoz, 1956
Heroes of Socialist Labor M.L. Velenko, V.M. Kocherga and M.L. Svetlik during the harvesting campaign. Volno-Chernikhovo experimental base, 1965
B.B. Vilchkovsky, chairman of the Iskra kolkhoz, Hero of Socialist Labor (posthumously)
At the construction site of the Druzhba poultry farm, 1979
A delegation of the best Baranovichi District workers in Minsk, early 1980s
First Secretary of the Baranovichi District Communist Party of Belarus N.V. Dominikan is talking to chief veterinarian of the Mir sovkhoz V.L. Levko and chief technologist A.N. Kokash, early 1980s